If you want to be a Yoga Alliance certified Yoga Teacher we have two short programs to teach in order to certify you.
5 Weekend Yoga Alliance Teacher Training
10 days Yoga Alliance Teacher Training
Both programs are intensive residential days. At these retreats, you will learn details and practice with RYT teachers. Before arriving for the immersion, there are reading materials that must be completed. The training includes three intensive online modules. It is an Online Yoga Teacher Training with quizzes and practices. If you do not finish the modules by the time of the retreat, you will have a month to get the modules completed after the immersion in order to receive your certification.
Online Yoga Teacher Training
This online training give you everything you need to become a yoga teacher. It includes lectures, videos, written assignments, teacher training textbooks, yoga teaching-assisting videos, class sequences, and quizzes you need to learn and teach. Although, this will not give you Yoga Alliance certification . If you want this certification, you have to successfully finish either 5 Weekend Yoga Alliance Training or 10 days of the Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Retreat. After this online yoga teacher certification course, you can teach and lead your own classes confidently without doubt or hesitation. This program is all online and self-paced. Work from the comfort of your own home and finish as fast or as slow as you'd like.

After this intensive yoga teacher certification course you can teach and lead your own classes confidently.
Techniques, Training and Practice: Asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation and other traditional yoga techniques, understanding basic Sanskrit terms, Sanskrit pose names and pronunciation, detailed training in how to teach - self-practice the techniques. Learn the pranayama practice and explore basics on how to guide others in pranyama practice. Meditation techniques, benefits, and how it relates to yoga practice. Understand the relationship between teacher and student in adjustments and explore how to do adjustments for different poses. Learn about the details of yoga alignment, adjustments/modification, things to look out for with students, injury considerations etc. This study of Yoga Bandhas has over 80 yoga poses. PDF&VIDEOS
Teaching Method: Communication skills such as group dynamics, time management between meditation , breath,standing poses, forward bends, backbends, seated poses, twists, and inversions, and the establishment of priorities and boundaries. How to prepare for classes, sequencing. Be sensitive the specific needs of individuals and special populations, to the degree possible in a group setting. Learning demonstration, observation, assisting and correcting. Teaching styles. How to get in and out of each pose.Qualities of a teacher. Use of Language and Voice ,positive and conscious communication, how to use props, and demoing poses. The student learning process. Business aspects of teaching yoga including marketing for your yoga business, including finding teaching opportunities, outreach, social media, branding, and marketing, 25hrs / RETREATS, PDF&VIDEOS
Anatomy and Physiology: Bodily systems, organs,chakras, nadis ,yoga practice benefits, contraindications, yoga anatomy , you may also have access to Leslie Kamilof's yoga anatomy training that they only created for teacher trainings. Understand how Chakras work, energetic associations and how they relate to yoga practice. 20hrs / PDF&VIDEOS
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers: Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga lifestyle; yamas-niyamas, ethics for yoga teachers, such as those involving teacher – student relationships and community, understanding the value of teaching yoga as a service and being of service to others, 30hrs / PDF&VIDEOS
Practicum: Practice teaching as the lead instructor with group or with individual (does not include assisting, observing or giving feedback).Receiving and giving feedbacks from teachers who are RYS, RYT ,E-RYT or YACEP . Observing others teachings. Assisting students while someone else is teaching, 10hrs / Registered Yoga Teachers referrals, RETREATS, SKYPE&VIDEOS
Mandatory Readings: The books you will need to read and you will be need to send us very short essay about what they talk about and your personal opinion about it, 15hrs / PDF&BOOKS
Required Readings: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Patanjali

5 Residential Weekend 200 hours all inclusive and exclusive yoga alliance teacher training
This 200-hour yoga teacher training program is intensive. It will positively affect your body-mind-spirit and it may change you. Bliss Trainings and Retreats teach by international yoga alliance all teacher training standards. And certify you with yoga alliance certification.
All inclusive; training and all materials, accomodation, food ~ 3,900 usd/pp
10 Residential intensive days 200 hours all inclusive and exclusive yoga alliance teacher training
Bliss Trainings and Retreats world reowned teachers will teach and make you a yoga teacher in 10 days and show the way to establish your yoga business as well and certify you with Yoga Alliance certification.
All inclusive; training and all materials, accomodation, food ~ 3,900 usd/pp
These residential trainings possible
Daily schedules:
07:00 - 08:00 Active meditation (1 hour)
08:00 - 09:00 Breakfast
09:00 - 13:00 Yoga teacher training course (5 hours)
13:00 - 15:00 Lunch and hiking
15:00 - 18:00 Yoga teacher training course (3 hours)
18:00 - 19:00 Dinner
19:00 - 22:00 Yoga teacher training course (3 hours), self-study with homework and soft practice with assistants
22:00 - 23:00 Evening meeting for breathwork and NLP hypnosis sessions (1 hour)
* In these retreats we do intermittent fasting and foods are moderate, plant base, %80 raw food and juicing diet. Yoga Teacher Trainings are include Active and Mindfulness Meditations. Transformal Breathwork Sessions are also part of the trainings.
All online 200 hours yoga teacher training certified only by our school
This virtual Yoga Teacher Training covering all 200 hours yoga teacher training modules for everyone who wants to learn yoga and wants to teach. For those seeking a Yoga Alliance Certificate, they need to attend and finish successfully our 15-days yoga teacher training retreat. Yoga Alliance has mandatory “contact hours” to be in-person, as opposed to distance learning.
All inclusive , Online training ~ 250 usd/pp

This training will not only make you to be great at teaching yoga and build your yoga business, but it will also give you the opportunity to change yourself physically, emotionally, and soulfully. In this course, you will also learn a new lifestyle. Program is intensive. It will positively affect your body-mind-spirit and it may change you and teach by international yoga teacher training standards. Make you a great yoga teacher and show the way to establish your yoga business as well.

The accommodation will provide you with the perfect setting to calm the mind, return to nature, and focus on your mental and physical health goals. The retreat place is has its own yoga and meditation studio. You will stay in a secluded environment with no televisions, no cell phone, and limited Wi-Fi service available to aid in a mental and digital detoxification. Each room has been beautifully decorated with bathrooms, and linen-covered double, queen, and king-sized beds. Depends on the group the space may have shared. The retreat place have a five-star design and setting for your comfort.

The place settled in more than 10 acres of a mountain and next to a parkland that totals over 3000 acres of gloriously untamed wilderness. On your free time, sit on the deck and relax. It's easy to forget your problems when you feel the pine-scented wind softly ruffling your hair as the sun lazily drifts through the clear, blue sky. The sights and sounds here are second to none, with critters of all shapes, sizes, and colors coming and going as they please. You will be able to spot elk, deer, chipmunks, fox, and all kinds of birds, sometimes bear, and mountain lions passing by the accommodation.

The foods; plant base, moderate juicing and 80% raw foods also offers you complete, nutrient-dense meals. The food are all natural, simple and biodynamic - organic. Using less and simple ingredients sourced from our certified organic garden or nearby local farms, research and prepared so that every bite is nutritionally balanced. Adjusting the menu, based on what’s ingredient is in-season.

Your daily diet features the finest fruits, vegetables, and seeds while excluding alcohol, caffeine, dairy, soy, grains, high fiber, processed sugars, diet sweeteners, and gluten to aid in the cleansing and revitalization process. Balancing protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fat is designed to sustain you through the , providing your body with the full spectrum of nutrients and enhancing detoxification as well. We practice intermittent fasting. Participants will enjoy meals in a communal setting in dining and living room. Meal times are also used as an opportunity to practice silent meditation with concious eating or discuss and educate participants on the tools for maintaining the healthy habits learned from their stay.

What is included;
200-hour yoga teacher training, online teacher training access, Pranayama, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation, and yoga Nidra, Anatomy and physiology from Leslie Kamilof, Anatomy training, Yoga philosophies, yoga lifestyle, and ethics, Daily breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, detox juices, Yoga teacher training manuals, accommodation, deep breath work and NLP (hypnosis for self), mindfullness meditation training from Oxford Professor.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training programs are accredited through Yoga Alliance, under our designation as a Registered Yoga School.
After completion you will be certified as a yoga teacher by Yoga Alliance. Teachers has different qualities ,knowledge and backgrounds in their more than 25 years of their repetition with deep meditation, sprituel enlightenment, breathwork, nutrition therapy, psychotherapy, yoga, integral therapy and coaching.They have been giving workshops and trainings out of love around the world over the past years. Each teacher you will work with is wordly wise and certified as a international yoga trainer for giving yoga alliance teacher trainings and certificates.

The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program encompasses all the elements for full certification as a Yoga Teacher in both Vinyasa and Hatha Yoga, and is recognized world-wide. Absolutely, no further basic training is required.
All inclusive; intensive training and all materials, accomodation, food ~ 3,900 usd/pp

You will learn all Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Standars deeply and all business side tools as a new yoga teacher to follow your passion in the yoga industry .It will be included how to establish your yoga business, social media strategy, industry trends, and how to get started.
All inclusive; intensive training and all materials, accomodation, food ~ 3,900 usd/pp

Become a Certified Yoga Teacher Today.
Easily. Affordably. At Your Own Pace. This online yoga teacher training is designed to teach you everything you need to know to start leading your own classes. All is online and self-pace from the comfort of your own home in your own time.
All inclusive, Online training ~ 250 usd/pp